38 Years of Professional Dog Training


As the weather warms we start venturing outdoors. Of course our canine buddies want to come along. Heat stroke is more common in dogs then you may realize.

Heat stroke is more common in dogs then you may realize. It does not have to be a scorcher of a day for heat stroke to occur.

Your dogs physical condition, body fat %, age, size, type of fur and muzzle length can all be contributing to heat stroke.

Other factors include but are not limited to temperature, surface your walking on, direct sunlight, hydration prior to walking and if your dog is pulling on your leash. ( exerting more effort then needed. )

I’ve included a link to an arrival that outlines symptoms of a heat stroke. However one of the more serious sign your dog attacking disoriented or drunk.

If you suspect a heat stroke is occurring immediately stop all physical activities Move your dog to a shady area. Find water, any hose will do .. use a stranger hose if needed…( explain later if needed) don’t give your dog lots of water, better to soak down his body. Drinking could put him into shock.

Pre Walk:

Do not feed your dog a large meal prior to a walk.: You definitely want your dog hydrated… But if your dog is seeming thirsty… And drinking a large quantity of water, right before you plan to walk. I would delay that walk a while to allow that water to enter his system. On hot days I would soak your dock now with the Mr. on the water hose prior to starting the walk.

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