BetterDog Training

38 Years of Professional Dog Training

Dogs understand speech the same way we do!

New study – dogs listen to speech and interpret it same way humans do. First the right brain interprets the tone of speech, the left brain works on the meaning. Like us dog prioritize the tone of speech more then the actual words spoken. In the study they use praiseful words the dog knows. When used with harsher tones seemed to change the way they respond to those words.

38 years of dog training this is not news to me. Working with dogs everyday. Here’s my take on the way dogs prioritize interactions with each other and us.

  1. They read body language
  2. They read tone of voice
  3. Meaning of words or bark’s

New study – kind of old news to those who know dogs..

Mark Thompson
BetterDog Training

Trained dogs go everywhere!

Life’s great on the road

Training your dog on proper etiquette is very important. When your dog is well behaved they live a better life. Many clients tell me their dogs life is enhance with training on many levels. Getting to go …. They love that!!!

Mark Thompson

Are trained dogs happier?

Are trained dogs happier?

I get this question all the time, spoiler alert… “Yes“ and so are there human companions.

Benefits of Dog Training

  • Mental & Physical Simulation – Physical exercises is great for your dog. But so is mental exercise. One way out the other is loess beneficial
  • safety – train dogs do an excellent come command, allowing you to call your dog away from danger. They also learn things like leave it which is handy when your dog investigates something dangerous.
  • Experience less stress – knowing the rules and having routines helps the dog feel safe and secure with their environment. Reducing overall stress for your dog and you
  • No leash pulling – dogs that don’t drag you around the neighborhood, get to go on more walks and family outings.
  • Better canine etiquette – unruly dogs who exhibit rude and obnoxious behavior. Don’t get social interactions with other dogs and people.
  • Learn new behaviors faster – once training begins your dogs ability to learn improves with each new thing taught.

Yes, train dogs are happier and so are their human companions… And all of their friends who visit.

Dog Training should be one of the essentials for owning a dog.

Mark Thompson

BetterDog Training

Pets contribute to better health physically and mentally

Seem more and more studies stress owning pet mostly cats and dogs, contribute to better mental and physical health. Did you know …these studies often fail to point out a well behaved pet. An unruly dog adds stress Trained dogs … reduce stress

I’m your chill pill


have lower blood pressure,

high blood pressure reduced by getting a dog,

have elevate levels of serotonin and dopa

lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels

Pet owns suffer less

Elderly with dog or cats visit doctors less and experience better health.

Above is back by yet another study. See link below

Facelift for

Creative Artist Team at work
Content Editor
Content Ediotor

After searching the entire internet for designs, buttons and custom graphics. Shelly suggested, I ask my daughter and her girlfriend Tera. I learned quickly they have amazing creative abilities. Unbelievable how they create this stuff on their phones. Stay tuned we’re about to launch the new website…

Group tune up class

Group tune up class

Great tune up class today! Loki, Apollo, Porter and Taipei all did a great job with their commands. Practice greetings, come command, and long distracted stay. Cold morning but very productive.

Training tip: COME COMMAND – make it fun, using come to initiate play time, rides in car ( if puppy likes) treats … avoid using come to thing your dog doesn’t like. Ie … using come to a bath if your dog doesn’t like bath time. Remember to regularly use the come to a meal, par come to new toys and special treats.

NEVER : call your dog to a punishment or anything they fear.


As the weather warms we start venturing outdoors. Of course our canine buddies want to come along. Heat stroke is more common in dogs then you may realize.

Heat stroke is more common in dogs then you may realize. It does not have to be a scorcher of a day for heat stroke to occur.

Your dogs physical condition, body fat %, age, size, type of fur and muzzle length can all be contributing to heat stroke.

Other factors include but are not limited to temperature, surface your walking on, direct sunlight, hydration prior to walking and if your dog is pulling on your leash. ( exerting more effort then needed. )

I’ve included a link to an arrival that outlines symptoms of a heat stroke. However one of the more serious sign your dog attacking disoriented or drunk.

If you suspect a heat stroke is occurring immediately stop all physical activities Move your dog to a shady area. Find water, any hose will do .. use a stranger hose if needed…( explain later if needed) don’t give your dog lots of water, better to soak down his body. Drinking could put him into shock.

Pre Walk:

Do not feed your dog a large meal prior to a walk.: You definitely want your dog hydrated… But if your dog is seeming thirsty… And drinking a large quantity of water, right before you plan to walk. I would delay that walk a while to allow that water to enter his system. On hot days I would soak your dock now with the Mr. on the water hose prior to starting the walk.

Great Danes… Gentle giants?

BetterDog training

Are great Danes really the gentle giants of legend?

In a word Yes, great Danes have a very gentle nature. However, like all dogs they also love to play… Sometimes that play can inadvertently alienate family members. Young children are most effected when play time involves a pounce on a little foot or a quick turn sends the kids to the floor. Danes are very gentle dogs in the since that they typically would never intentionally hurt family.

During playtime dogs love to show their excitement, by racing about, jumping and rough housing. Here is when the gentle giant actually plays exactly like all dogs. However there overall size can make every nudge or bump (inadvertently) send kids to the floor.

Small medium or very large dogs often play to rough. All dogs need to learn the rules of playtime.

Structured training teachers your dog how to play more gentle. Our training program teach you to demonstrate gentle play.

Understanding how to communicate clear rules to your dog during play is essential to shape playtime with in a set of rules.

Playtime Training Tips:

Do not play tough of war with your dog until

He’s been thought to release and drop tug toy when told to do so.

Never encourage your dog to charge into you during play. Remember if your dog will do same with kids.

During times of extreme happiness do not encourage jumping play biting pushing into you or frantic running about. Start by not touching your dog when they explode with energy until they calm themselves.